Debunking the 6 Most Common Curly Hair Myths


When it comes to curly hair, it seems like everyone has a different opinion. Your friend swears by one product, your stylist suggests another, and then there’s that influencer online promising the next miracle fix. However not all curly hair advice is created equal, and some tips can do more harm than good. If you’ve ever been left dealing with frizz, breakage, or hair that just doesn’t seem to behave, it might be because you’ve been following some common curly hair myths. We’re here to set the record straight!  Let’s break down the most common myths that are holding your curls back!

Myth #1: Curls Only Need Hydration to Stay Healthy

Hydration is essential, but it’s only part of the equation. Your curls need balance—and that’s where protein comes in! While water-based products like leave-in conditioners, curl creams, and hydrating sprays are crucial for keeping your curls soft and hydrated, too much moisture without enough protein can leave your curls weak and limp. That is why introducing reconstructive protein treatments like Curl Repair into your routine can be extremely beneficial. Protein strengthens your hair, helping your curls hold their shape and giving them the bounce they need. 

Myth #2: Oils Hydrate Your Curls

Oils are fantastic for your hair, but they don’t hydrate—they seal in moisture.
True hydration comes from water or water-based products. Oils, on the other hand, help lock that moisture in. If you’re skipping water-based products and going straight to oils, you’re not really moisturizing your hair; you’re just coating it, which can eventually lead to dryness and brittleness. To keep your curls nourished, start by applying a hydrating leave in like Daily Curl Booster and then use Moisture Lock Pomade to seal that moisture in and keep your hair feeling soft and hydrated.

Myth #3: Wide-Tooth Combs Are Best for Detangling

Wide-tooth combs are popular, but they can sometimes cause more breakage than they prevent. Curly hair is prone to tangles, and many of us were taught that a wide-tooth comb is the best tool for the job. While it’s gentler than a fine-tooth comb, wide-tooth combs can still pull on your hair, leading to breakage, especially when used on dry curls.
The better option? A detangling brush. These brushes are designed to glide through your curls without pulling or breaking your strands. Look for one with flexible bristles that move with your hair to avoid unnecessary tension. And remember, always detangle your curls while they’re wet and coated with conditioner for maximum slip!

Myth #4: Curly Hair Doesn’t Need to Be Washed Often

Some people believe that dirty hair grows faster or that washing less often is better for curls. But let’s break this down: healthy hair grows from a healthy scalp, and a clean scalp is crucial for healthy hair growth. When you skip washing your hair for long periods, product buildup, sweat, and oils can clog your scalp, leading to irritation, dryness, and even hair loss over time.
The idea that dirty hair grows faster often stems from protective styles, where the hair is manipulated less, leading to length retention rather than increased growth. Your hair isn’t growing any faster; you’re just preventing it from breaking. So, make sure to wash your hair regularly with a sulfate-free shampoo like Curl Renew and use Curl Renaissance chelating shampoo once a month to get rid of heavy builup.  

Myth #5: Curly Hair Grows Slower Than Other Hair Types

Hair growth is primarily determined by genetics, not hair texture. On average, human hair grows about half an inch per month, regardless of whether it’s curly, wavy, or straight. The reason curly hair might seem like it grows slower is because of shrinkage. Shrinkage happens when curly hair tightens and coils as it dries, which can make it look shorter than it actually is.

Another reason it may seem like curly hair grows slower is because it’s more prone to breakage. Curly hair is naturally drier and more fragile, so if you’re not keeping it moisturized and protected, you might be losing length from breakage rather than experiencing slower growth. To avoid this, focus on keeping your hair hydrated, minimize heat styling, and trim regularly to prevent split ends.


Myth #6: Curly Hair Is Unmanageable

Curly hair gets a bad reputation for being difficult, but the truth is, it’s all about understanding your curls and giving them the care they need. Once you establish a routine that works for your specific curl pattern, hair porosity, and lifestyle, managing your curls becomes much easier. This means investing in the right products—like hydrating shampoos, rich conditioners, and styling creams designed for curls—and being consistent with your routine. It’s also important to remember that curls require patience. Curly hair thrives when you work with it, not against it. Learn to embrace your hair’s unique texture, and with the right care, you’ll find that it’s not only manageable but beautiful.

Final Thoughts

The curly hair journey is all about finding what works for you, but one thing is certain: believing in the wrong advice can slow your progress. The good news is, once you start debunking these myths and treating your curls with the love and care they deserve, you’ll see a major difference in your hair’s health, growth, and manageability. 

If you’re unsure about where to start with your curl routine, we’ve got you covered! Take our Curl ID Quiz to discover the best routine and products tailored specifically to your curl type. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to improve your routine, this quiz is the perfect way to get personalized advice for your curls.